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    ~ Casting completo di tutti i film ! ~
    Elenco dei colleghi di Joe Don Baker Attore/Attrice:

    007 - Zona pericolo (1987): Virginia Hey, John Terry, Caroline Bliss, Walter Gotell, Geoffrey Keen, Robert Brown, Desmond Llewelyn, Thomas Wheatley, Andreas Wisniewski, Art Malik, John Rhys-Davies, Joe Don Baker, Jeroen Krabbé, Maryam d'Abo, Timothy Dalton, John Glen,...

    Armato per uccidere (1987): Mark Barkawitz, Richard Bolik, Harriet Medin, Jeb Ellis-Brown, Shiri Appleby, Harvey Vernon, Gracie Harrison, Michael Madsen, Janet Carroll, Camelia Kath, Joe Don Baker, Wayne Rogers, Kiefer Sutherland, Mathew Brady, Beau Bridges, Rick King,...

    Un duro per la legge (1973): Warner Venetz, Carey Loftin, Gil Perkins, Russell Thorson, Arch Johnson, Brenda Benet, Lynn Borden, Dominick Mazzie, Ed Call, Lurene Tuttle, Noah Beery Jr., Dawn Lyn, Leif Garrett, Elizabeth Hartman, Joe Don Baker, Phil Karlson,...

    Il Migliore (1984): Michael Madsen, Robert Rich III, Rachel Hall, Paul Sullivan Jr., Alan Fudge, John Finnegan, Joe Don Baker, Richard Farnsworth, Robert Prosky, Barbara Hershey, Wilford Brimley, Kim Basinger, Glenn Close, Robert Duvall, Robert Redford, Barry Levinson,...

    Cape Fear - Il Promontorio della Paura (1991): Rod Ball, Edgar Allan Poe IV, Forest Burton, Craig Henne, Zully Montero, Fred Dalton Thompson, Illeana Douglas, Martin Balsam, Gregory Peck, Robert Mitchum, Joe Don Baker, Juliette Lewis, Jessica Lange, Nick Nolte, Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese,...

    Congo (1995): Lawrence T. Wrentz, Bill Pugin, James Karen, Romy Rosemont, Carolyn Seymour, Stuart Pankin, Misty Rosas, Mary Ellen Trainor, Lola Noh, Joe Don Baker, Grant Heslov, Tim Curry, Ernie Hudson, Dylan Walsh, Laura Linney, Frank Marshall,...

    L'ultimo buscadero (1972): William E. Pierce, Sandra Pew, Roxanne Knight, Rita Garrison, Sundown Spencer, Matthew Peckinpah, Charles H. Gray, Don 'Red' Barry, Sandra Deel, Dub Taylor, Bill McKinney, Mary Murphy, Barbara Leigh, Joe Don Baker, Ben Johnson, Ida Lupino, Robert Preston, Steve Mcqueen, Sam Peckinpah,...

    Uomini selvaggi (1971): Jack Garner, William Bryant, Charles H. Gray, Sam Gilman, Rachel Roberts, Victor French, Moses Gunn, Leora Dana, James Olson, Joe Don Baker, Tom Skerritt, Lynn Carlin, Karl Malden, Ryan O'Neal, William Holden, Blake Edwards,...

    Chi ucciderà Charley Varrick? (1973): Priscilla Garcia, Charlie Briggs, Colby Chester, Rudy Diaz, Marjorie Bennett, Jacqueline Scott, William Schallert, Woodrow Parfrey, Benson Fong, Norman Fell, Sheree North, Andrew Robinson, Felicia Farr, Joe Don Baker, Walter Matthau, Don Siegel,...

    Porci con le ragazze (1983): Justine Lenore, Logan Ramsey, Jacqulin Cole, Kim G. Michel, Kym Malin, Morgan Lofting, Reid Cruickshanks, John Voldstad, John Diehl, Corinne Bohrer, Jon Gries, Scott McGinnis, Jim Greenleaf, Leif Green, Joe Don Baker, Greydon Clark,...

    Goldeneye (1995): Simon Kunz, Serena Gordon, Michael Kitchen, Samantha Bond, Desmond Llewelyn, Alan Cumming, Gottfried John, Tchéky Karyo, Robbie Coltrane, Judi Dench, Joe Don Baker, Famke Janssen, Izabella Scorupco, Sean Bean, Pierce Brosnan, Martin Campbell,...

    Giovani, carini e disoccupati (1994): Chelsea Lagos, Barry Del Sherman, Eric Morgan Stuart, John Mahoney, James Rothenberg, Renée Zellweger, Joe Don Baker, Susan Norfleet, Harry O'Reilly, Swoosie Kurtz, Ben Stiller, Steve Zahn, Janeane Garofalo, Ethan Hawke, Winona Ryder, Ben Stiller,...

    Fletch - Un colpo da prima pagina (1985): Ralph Seymour, Larry Flash Jenkins, Tony Longo, George Wyner, William Traylor, Bill Henderson, Geena Davis, Kenneth Mars, George Wendt, M. Emmet Walsh, Tim Matheson, Richard Libertini, Dana Wheeler-Nicholson, Joe Don Baker, Chevy Chase, Michael Ritchie,...

    007 - Il domani non muore mai (1997): Daphne Deckers, Nina Young, Cecilie Thomsen, Roger Spottiswoode, Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce, Michelle Yeoh, Teri Hatcher, Ricky Jay, Götz Otto, Joe Don Baker, Vincent Schiavelli, Judi Dench, Desmond Llewelyn, Samantha Bond, Colin Salmon, Geoffrey Palmer, Julian Fellowes, Terence Rigby,...

    Uccidete Mr. Mitchell (1975): Vicki Peters, Carole Estes, Duffy Hambleton, Sidney Clute, Rob Narke, Lilyan McBride, Jerry Hardin, Todd Bass, Rayford Barnes, Buck Young, Robert Phillips, Harold J. Stone, Morgan Paull, Merlin Olsen, Linda Evans, John Saxon, Martin Balsam, Joe Don Baker, Andrew V. McLaglen,...


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    Idea e realizzazione by selidori
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       Creative Commons License
    Icone by Octopocto - Flaticon
    24 anni di vita (dato 2000), oltre 50 milioni di pagine servite,
    15706 film, 98384 errori, 6985 iscritti.