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    ~ Casting completo di tutti i film ! ~
    Elenco dei colleghi di Robert Morley Attore/Attrice:

    La regina d'Africa (1951): Richard Marner, Peter Swanwick, Walter Gotell, Theodore Bikel, Peter Bull, Robert Morley, Katharine Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart, John Huston,...

    Cromwell (1970): Jack Gwillim, Michael Goodliffe, Anna Cropper, Richard Cornish, Michael Jayston, Charles Gray, Nigel Stock, Patrick Magee, Patrick Wymark, Timothy Dalton, Frank Finlay, Dorothy Tutin, Robert Morley, Alec Guinness, Richard Harris, Ken Hughes, Basil Henson, Patrick Holt, Stratford Johns,...

    Topkapi (1964): Despo Diamantidou, Joe Dassin, Ahmet Danyal Topatan, Senih Orkan, Ege Ernart, Titos Vandis, Akim Tamiroff, Gilles Ségal, Jess Hahn, Robert Morley, Maximilian Schell, Peter Ustinov, Melina Mercouri, Jules Dassin,...

    9 ore per Rama (1963): Nagendra Nath, Francis Matthews, Wolfe Morris, Harold Goldblatt, Marne Maitland, Achala Sachdev, David Abraham, P. Jairaj, Harry Andrews, Diane Baker, Robert Morley, Don Borisenko, Valerie Gearon, José Ferrer, Horst Buchholz, Mark Robson,...

    Lord Brummell (1954): Desmond Roberts, Mark Dignam, Peter Bull, Ernest Clark, Charles Carson, Peter Dyneley, Noel Willman, Paul Rogers, Rosemary Harris, James Hayter, James Donald, Robert Morley, Peter Ustinov, Elizabeth Taylor, Stewart Granger, Curtis Bernhardt,...

    Giallo in casa Muppet (1981): Bob Payne, Kathryn Mullen, Louise Gold, Steve Whitmire, Jack Warden, Peter Ustinov, Robert Morley, John Cleese, Diana Rigg, Charles Grodin, Richard Hunt, Jerry Nelson, Dave Goelz, Frank Oz, Jim Henson, Jim Henson,...

    Scavenger Hunt (1979): Richard Masur, Stephen Furst, Stephanie Faracy, Willie Aames, Dirk Benedict, Tony Randall, Richard Mulligan, Robert Morley, Roddy Mcdowall, Cleavon Little, Cloris Leachman, Ruth Gordon, Scatman Crothers, James Coco, Richard Benjamin, Michael Schultz, Meat Loaf, Pat McCormick, Vincent Price,...

    Twinky (1969): Erik Chitty, Eric Barker, Tony Arpino, Peggy Aitchison, Susan George, Robert Morley, Kay Medford, Lionel Jeffries, Trevor Howard, Jack Hawkins, Paul Ford, Michael Craig, Honor Blackman, Orson Bean, Charles Bronson, Richard Donner,...

    Oscar insanguinato (1973): Diana Dors, Madeline Smith, Eric Sykes, Milo O'Shea, Dennis Price, Robert Morley, Arthur Lowe, Michael Hordern, Jack Hawkins, Robert Coote, Coral Browne, Harry Andrews, Ian Hendry, Diana Rigg, Vincent Price, Douglas Hickox,...

    Qualcuno sta uccidendo i più grandi cuochi d'Europa (1978): Jean Gaven, Joss Ackland, John Le Mesurier, Tim Barlow, Peter Sallis, Frank Windsor, Madge Ryan, Stefano Satta Flores, Gigi Proietti, Jean Rochefort, Philippe Noiret, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Robert Morley, Jacqueline Bisset, George Segal, Ted Kotcheff, Daniel Emilfork, Jacques Marin, Jacques Balutin,...

    Quei temerari sulle macchine volanti (1965): Karl Michael Vogler, Flora Robson, Yûjirô Ishihara, Benny Hill, Terry-Thomas , Red Skelton, Eric Sykes, Irina Demick, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Gert Fröbe, Robert Morley, Alberto Sordi, James Fox, Sarah Miles, Stuart Whitman, Ken Annakin, Sam Wanamaker, Eric Barker, Maurice Denham,...

    Un avventuriero a Tahiti (1966): Paul Mercey, Raymond Meunier, Pierre Tornade, Ellen Bahl, Peter Carsten, Michèle Girardon, Maria Pacôme, Philippe Noiret, Micheline Dax, Marcel Dalio, Geneviève Page, Robert Morley, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Nadja Tiller, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Jean Becker,...

    Sette volte donna (1967): Jessie Robins, Robert Morley, Elsa Martinelli, Lex Barker, Clinton Greyn, Vittorio Gassman, Robert Duranton, Zanie Campan, Catherine Samie, Judith Magre, Laurence Badie, Rossano Brazzi, Elspeth March, Peter Sellers, Shirley Maclaine, Vittorio De Sica,...

    Giuseppe venduto dai fratelli (1961): Belinda Lee, Julian Brooks, Mimo Billi, Vira Silenti, Arturo Dominici, Robert Morley, Helmuth Schneider, Marco Guglielmi, Dante DiPaolo, Carlo Giustini, Charles Borromel, Nino Segurini, Finlay Currie, Geoffrey Horne, Marietto , Luciano Ricci,...

    Prendila, è mia. (1963): Charles Robinson, Irene Tsu, Marcel Hillaire, Maurice Marsac, Charla Doherty, Jenny Maxwell, Cynthia Pepper, Monica Moran, Bob Denver, John Mcgiver, Philippe Forquet, Robert Morley, Audrey Meadows, Sandra Dee, James Stewart, Henry Koster,...

    Avventurieri ai confini del mondo (1983): Dino Shafeek, Peter Llewellyn Williams, Jeremy Child, Terry Richards, Shayur Mehta, Timothy Carlton, Lynda La Plante, Michael Sheard, Cassandra Gava, Brian Blessed, Robert Morley, Wilford Brimley, Jack Weston, Bess Armstrong, Tom Selleck, Brian G. Hutton,...

    Tutto mi porta a te (1974): Dudley Sutton, Patsy Smart, John Clive, Peter Bull, Sam Kydd, James Faulkner, Andrew Beaumont, Simon Gipps-Kent, Andrew Ray, Heather Sears, Rachel Roberts, Joss Ackland, Anthony Quayle, Robert Morley, Margaret Leighton, James Mason, Sarah Miles, Michael York, Joseph Hardy,...

    Alcune ragazze lo fanno (1969): George Belbin, Yutte Stensgaard, Nicholas Phipps, Virginia North, Ronnie Stevens, Florence Desmond, Adrienne Posta, Sydne Rome, Robert Morley, Maurice Denham, Vanessa Howard, James Villiers, Beba Loncar, Daliah Lavi, Richard Johnson, Ralph Thomas,...

    Il castello maledetto (1963): John Harvey, Danny Green, Peter Bull, Fenella Fielding, Mervyn Johns, Joyce Grenfell, Janette Scott, Robert Morley, Tom Poston, William Castle,...

    Assassinio al galoppatoio (1963): George Pollock, Margaret Rutherford, Stringer Davis, Robert Morley, Flora Robson, Charles 'Bud' Tingwell, Gordon Harris, Robert Urquhart, Katya Douglas, James Villiers, Noel Howlett, Finlay Currie, Duncan Lamont, Kevin Stoney,...

    Hotel Paradiso (1966): Peter Glenville, Marcel Gallon, Marius Gaidon, Guy Delorme, Jackie Blanchot, Antoine Baud, André Badin, Marie Bell, Akim Tamiroff, Leonard Rossiter, Derek Fowlds, Darío Moreno, Eddra Gale, Ann Beach, David Battley, Robertson Hare, Duggie Byng, Peggy Mount, Robert Morley, Alec Guinness, Gina Lollobrigida, Peter Glenville,...

    Scrooge (1935): Marie Ney, Robert Morley, Hubert Harben, Charles Carson, Hugh E. Wright, Margaret Yarde, D.J. Williams, Philip Frost, Morris Harvey, C.V. France, Eve Gray, Barbara Everest, Garry Marsh, Maurice Evans, Mary Lawson, Athene Seyler, Oscar Asche, Mary Glynne, Robert Cochran, Donald Calthrop, Seymour Hicks, Henry Edwards,...

    Astronauti per forza (1962): Harry Baird, April Ashley, Irving Allan, Dorothy Lamour, Yvonne Shima, Jacqueline Jones, Mei Ling, Robert Ayres, Roger Delgado, Katya Douglas, Michel Mok, Alan Gifford, Felix Aylmer, Walter Gotell, Robert Morley, Joan Collins, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Norman Panama,...


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    24 anni di vita (dato 2000), oltre 50 milioni di pagine servite,
    15706 film, 98384 errori, 6985 iscritti.